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Are you a digital native or digital immigrant?

I learned the terms ‘Digital Native’ and ‘Digital Immigrant’ in Prensky’sarticle (2001) . Digital Native refers to the people who grow up with technology and surrounded by technology in their life since they were born. Whereas, Digital Immigrant just like the word ‘immigrant’, technology appeared later in their life and they need to get adjusted to it. I was born in 1994. According to the definition of ‘Digital Native’ proposed by Palfrey and Casser in their book Born Digital , that is, people who were born after 1980s, I am definitely a digital native. However, I feel like I am more like a digital immigrant. I started to use computer when I was on third grade in my elementary school and had my own phone when I was 12. It was not a late age at 1990s, but compared to kids now, technology was a new thing to me at that time, and I almost missed the critical period to learn it. I had computer course and had learned some basic computer skills. To me at that age, computer is just a mach...

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